Friday, January 18, 2008

Writer's Meetings

I consider myself a lucky person. I am the member of a top-notch writing critique group. The Cambridge Fiction Writers are only seven in number--with only one missing right now and hiding out in Florida. Two of the gals are professional editors, one is an extraordinary writer of extremely lyrical mainstream, one is a fine romance writer, my husband writes legal novels on the subject of zoning, and I have gone back to my historical novels. Surprisingly, we meet each and every Friday. There are days that some can't make it but we're never less than four. We have been meeting every week since the late spring. I find it wonderful that everyone in the group is so committed--and we all write so differently.

So far, I have submitted the first two chapters of Saratoga Winter: 1865. Their comments on the story are usually right on and their grasp of grammar and the craft of writing is phenomenal. Consequently, I feel like the luckiest writer in the world.

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