Monday, January 28, 2008

A break

I obviously took a longer break from the blog than I had planned. Saturday, I went to the Saratoga Romance Writers meeting. It's about 50 minutes away from where I live, but we had a Board meeting (I'm the current Vice-President.) and then a regular meeting. One of the gals gave a workshop on "Beginnings and Endings," something she's learned at the New Jersey Conference last October, and I found it very interesting.

After lunch, we did a bit of critiquing and I presented the next scene in Saratoga Winter 1865. They always do a nice job of giving feedback, but it still amazes me that there are so many different opinions on every paragraph. But it all helps.

Of course, on Friday, I had presented a different scene to the Cambridge Writers.......they really take the entire presentation apart and help me put it back together again, better than it was before. The Cambridge Writers have several folks that give much the same feedback on a constant basis. I try to learn by it--it is much the same advice that my friend from Tupper Lake often gives me. I guess I tend to I am very willing to cut.

Saturday and Sunday presented an other-than-writing probelm. One of my English Setters was not acting right. She seemed to be in pain and is at the Vet's today, until he finds out what's wrong with her.

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