Monday, January 21, 2008

New Ideas

Today was a day for learning new things. I didn't have time to write it all down, but I think I might be able to duplicate what I did today. As you can see, my books are up on the blog, so readers can go directly to Amazon. com and order them. I'm thrilled.

And I have to tell you all, that I couldn't do it without Nikki Leigh, who has written several fine books, including a Promo 101, which leads an author to all kinds of different promotion ideas. She's in the middle of writing the second book on the subject, but she was gracious enough to help me out. She made me feel good enough to experiment--so if my blogs go crazy, it's because I'm playing, trying to make them better and better..........especially since my website is not online, at the moment, having been hacked twice.

I didn't do much writing today because of all the Internet fooling-around. I will get to the story tomorrow. I did manage to put my latest edit of Saratoga Winter: 1865 on the big computer. I used my flash drive and moved it. At least, I've learned to do that.

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